Welcome to CLIA’s Travel Agent Finder

Locate and connect with a CLIA-credentialed travel agent who has the experience, know-how, and relationships to help you plan your next cruise vacation, saving you time and money. Search by zip code to find a list of travel agents near you. Agents with a CLIA Certification icon below their name have passed a rigorous program of courses designed to elevate their cruise travel expertise. Refer to the key on the right side of the results page to understand CLIA Certification levels.

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    Elite Cruise Counsellor Scholar (ECCS) Elite Cruise Counsellor Scholar (ECCS)

    Elite Cruise Counsellor (ECC) Elite Cruise Counsellor (ECC)

    Master Cruise Counsellor (MCC) Master Cruise Counsellor (MCC)

    Accredited Cruise Counsellor (ACC) Accredited Cruise Counsellor (ACC)

    Certified Cruise Counsellor (CCC) Certified Cruise Counsellor (CCC)

    Luxury Cruise Specialist (LCS) Luxury Cruise Specialist (LCS)

    Travel Agency Executive (TAE) Travel Agency Executive (TAE)

    About Certifications

    CLIA Certifications require core curriculum training, cruise line product training, ship inspections and cruising experience. Attainment of each ascending level of Certification reflects a greater commitment on the part of the Certified Agent to acquire the expertise to better assist you in planning your next cruise.

    Learn more about Certifications