Travel Agent Center
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Welcome to CLIA’s Travel Agent Center!
We are delighted you are considering being part of CLIA as a member.
In charting my career course, like you, I chose to be part of CLIA, every year, as cruise was (and is) my focus and product of choice. I understood early that there were two tracks for using my CLIA Membership: one track was to join and take advantage of the credibility and recognition, bonus commissions, access to industry rates, and discounts on products and services; the other track was to level up my career by enrolling in the CLIA Certification Program, taking CLIA courses, tracking my stateroom sales, documenting my personal cruise experiences, keeping proof of my ship inspections and cruise line trainings, and achieving levels of CLIA Certification.
There is no right or wrong when it comes to how an advisor uses their CLIA Membership; it is up to the individual to decide what works best for them. However, for those who want to focus on cruise and make it part of their career course and success, the second track is the way to go.
Click here to see our membership categories and choose the one that's right for you. If you have any questions, please check out our FAQ page.
On behalf of the entire CLIA North America Travel Trade Membership team, thank you for your membership and steadfast support. It is our privilege to serve you.
Best wishes,
Charles Sylvia, ECC
VP, Trade Relations | Industry Special Envoy
*Your agency’s CLIA membership does not mean you are a member; each membership is stand-alone. Please click the link and join or renew, today. Thank you.
CLIA Membership has given me access to travel resources and tools. Having itineraries, ship features, and key selling points for every global cruise line, to share with my clients, right at my fingertips is priceless.
— Ferne C. Sapp, ACC

I am so grateful for CLIA, and everything you all do to make sure agents are equipped with the knowledge and tools to provide the best service in the cruise industry. I have enjoyed all of the classes I have taken so far, and I look forward to working toward my MCC. It’s not just important to me to advise clients, but I also want to be knowledgeable in all aspects of the cruise business. Even after three college degrees, the training with CLIA has been my best education yet! Thank you all for being great trainers, leaders, and advisors.
— Tonia Sanders, ACC

Earning my CLIA Master Cruise Counselor certification nearly 20 years ago provided me with the core knowledge to get my career off the ground. I am grateful for CLIA’s continually evolving training offerings both digitally and in person that enhance travel advisors ability to understand the complexity of the cruise market.
— Daniel Genung