Press Release | August 08, 2019

Statement by CLIA Europe on mis-reported ban of cruise ships in Venice

Brussels. 8 August 2019 -There is currently no ban in placepreventingcruise shipsfromvisiting Venice. Discussions concerning the future of cruise ships using theGiudecca Canal have been ongoing for several years and those discussions continue today without any conclusion.

DaniloToninelli, The Italian Minister for Transportspeaking in the Italian Parliament yesterday reported that hehas set up a working group to look at alternative solutions which could see some ships rerouted to the mainlandFusinaandLombardiaterminals,until the end of the year,but no decision has been made.

"The cruise industry has worked diligently with the Minister, the Mayor of Venice, the Veneto Region, the Port Authority and many other stakeholders to find viable solutions to allow larger cruise ships to access the Marittima berths without transiting the Giudecca Canal. We arestillin agreement with the solution developed byComitatonein 2017 to utilize the Vittorio Emanuele Canal as the best and most prudent means to move larger cruise ships away from the Giudecca," said Tom Boardley, Secretary-General of Cruise Lines International Association Europe. "CLIA cruise line members welcome and will support the urgent implementation of this solution."

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